How henna colour makes darker
In Lahore, The wedding season has started and henna has always been used in every wedding, but the biggest problem faced by women is that the colour of henna does not rise well. Explain that the colour of the henna will rise well.
Wash your hand carefully.
Make sure you clean your hands thoroughly. If any cream, lotion or sweat is on your hands, clean them thoroughly with soap and then apply henna.
Mustard oil
Half an hour before applying henna, apply mustard oil on the palms of your hands. When the henna starts to dry, apply a solution of sugar and lemon juice to it. You will feel the stickiness in it, but because of this, the henna will remain on the hands and the colour will also be good.
Do not use water to remove henna
Never use water to remove dry henna from your hands but do it with a knife or brush as water will fade the colour of henna.
Use of Sugar and Lemon juice
When the henna starts to dry, apply a solution of sugar and lemon juice to it. You will feel the stickiness in it, but because of this, the henna will remain on the hands and the colour will also be good.
Don't sit under the sun
Choose a shady place during and after applying henna and do not sit under the sun. Sitting in a shady place will take time for the henna to dry and will give it a better colour.
Use of wax or iodine
If you wish, after removing the henna, you can apply one of these two balms to your hands and sleep so that the colour of the henna will become darker.
Wear gloves
Warming your hands after removing the henna will also darken the colour of the henna. Wear gloves on your hands after applying balm and you will be amazed when you see the colour of henna the next morning.
Do not wax
Do not use wax or scrub
after applying henna as it will spoil the henna.